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PTM Drum Platforms

The PTM low-profile platform is ideal for weighing barrels, wheelchairs and oversized containers. Ramps on both sides offer smooth transitions between the floor and the weighing platform, while handles and wheels allow easy mobility.
Warranty 3 years

Key Specifications



Parts countingParts counting
Percentage weighingPercentage weighing
Dynamic / animal weighingDynamic / animal weighing


Multiple Weighing unitsMultiple Weighing units
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The PTM drum scale features a low-profile base and easy-access ramps on both sides, offering smooth transitions from the floor to the platform.

Suitable for use in warehouses and other locations, the PTM drum scale is ideal for checking the weight of barrels and drums, or loaded dollies. The PTM can also be used for weighing wheelchair occupants or people with limited mobility. The PTM features a mild steel diamond plate surface that provides good grip and a solid, steady weighing area. Handles and wheels enable easy portability in a warehouse or other environments.

The PTM is available with the GK indicator or AE 403 indicator, offering a range of features and functions. The GK indicator allows a numeric tare value to be entered, while the AE403 is IP68 rated for dusty and wet environments.

Features and Benefits

  • Adjustable levelling feet help optimise setup
  • Built-in ramps on each side enable easy access
  • Chequered plate surface for added grip
  • Heavy-duty rubber feet ensure stability of unit
  • Integrated wheels permit easy movement
  • Three-meter load cell cable
  • Rugged construction stands up to industrial use
  • Ramps allow easy access for wheelchair use
  • A 3-year warranty means quality assured for years of use.


Pan Size
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PTM Drum Platforms-PTM 500PTM 500 500kg0.1kg580x760mm
PTM Drum Platforms-PTM 500 [GK]PTM 500 [GK] 500kg0.1kg580x760mm
PTM Drum Platforms-PTM 500 [GK-Plus]PTM 500 [GK-Plus] 500kg0.1kg580x760mm
PTM Drum Platforms-PTM 500 [GK-S]PTM 500 [GK-S] 500kg0.1kg580x760mm


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