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OIML Weights

Adam’s OIML weights are available in sets or separately. Individual weights are packaged in a plastic box, while weight sets are placed in a lined aluminum box, complete with forceps and white cotton glove.

Key Specifications

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Adam’s OIML weights are available in sets or separately. Individual weights are packaged in a plastic box, while weight sets are placed in a lined aluminum box, complete with forceps and white cotton glove.

Features and Benefits

  • Rugged stainless steel construction for ultimate durability
  • Class E2 feature 7.96 g/cm3 density, classes E1, F1 & M1 feature 7.9 g/cm3
  • Individual weights include impact-resistant plastic case
  • Available in classes F1, E2, M1 and E1 for specific precision requirements


Pan Size
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OIML Weights-F1 10gF1 10g 10g
OIML Weights-F1 20gF1 20g 20g
OIML Weights-F1 50gF1 50g 50g
OIML Weights-F1 100gF1 100g 100g
OIML Weights-F1 200gF1 200g 200g
OIML Weights-F1 500gF1 500g 500g
OIML Weights-F1 1kgF1 1kg 1000gkg
OIML Weights-F1 2kgF1 2kg 2000gkg
OIML Weights-F1 5kgF1 5kg 5000gkg
OIML Weights-M1 100GM1 100G 100g
OIML Weights-M1 200GM1 200G 200g
OIML Weights-M1 500GM1 500G 500g
OIML Weights-M1 1KGM1 1KG 1000gkg
OIML Weights-M1 2KGM1 2KG 2000gkg
OIML Weights-M1 100KGM1 100KG 100g
OIML Weights-M1 500KGM1 500KG 500000gkg
OIML Weights-M1 500MGM1 500MG 0.5g
OIML Weights-M1 50MGM1 50MG 0.05g
