+27 (0)11 9749745 

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PMB Moisture Analyser Replacement parts

Pan Support-207009605
Spirit Level-301007061
Display PCB Board-301486095
Lamp, 115V-3070010198
Lamp, 220V-307009582
Bottom Housing-3071210199
Deflector Glass-307009584
Disposable Aluminum Sample Pan-3071410204
Disposable Aluminum Sample Pan (pack of 250)-307140001
Glass Fibre Pads (pack of 200)-3070013622
Pan Lifter-3071410520
Fuse Holder-307209490
Lower Lid Housing-307239558
Upper Lid Housing-307239559
Transformer, 115V-3074010527
Transformer, 220V-3074010528
Input Filter-3074089489
Temp Sensor-307409458
Mains Power Cord - United States-307409491
Mains Power Cord (Australia)-307409492
Mains Power Cord (European Union)-307409493
Mains Power Cord (South Africa)-307409494
Mains Power Cord (China)-3074010756
Mains Power Cord (United Kingdom)-307401971
PCB Board-3074810208
Communications PCB Board-307489612
Load Cell, 300g (103 / 123 / 153 / 302)-309109310
PMB 53 Model Label-307569654
PMB 202 Model Label-307569655