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PT Platforms with GK Checkweighing Indicator Replacement parts

Connector (Base)-700100151
Stainless Steel Load Cell, 1000kg-700100178
Stainless Steel Load Cell, 2000kg-700100179
Load Cell, 1000kg-700100226
Load Cell, 2000kg-700100227
Spirit Level-700200052
Packaging (1 x 1m)-700300013
Packaging (1.2 x 1.2m)-700300016
Packaging (1.5 x 1.5m)-700300017
Cable (internal with base connector)-700400020
Summing PCB-700400038
GK Indicator-to-PT M/aM Cable (except SA, w/ M12 ring)-700400040
AE402/AE403 Indicator-to-PT Cable-700400054